How To Be Good at Traveling

At the time of this post, I’ve been to 11% of the world! This includes 21% of Europe, 10% of Asia, 28% of North America, and 7% of South America. While I have a long way to go to hit the full globe, I’m here to share how to be good at traveling.


The only way to be a good traveler is to go. Get out there! Explore! I even formatted this in large font to help you understand that. If you’re unable to explore out of your area, take yourself on a staycation. Check out a new restaurant or historical spot nearby. Visit that trendy place you’ve seen all over the internet. Gas prices got you bummed? You can try walking around your neighborhood for a different perspective. If the weather is bad and you have that itch to travel, hop on Google Earth and take a virtual tour. The opportunities are plentiful when you open your mind to alternatives.

“Ugh, but Brandi…” you’ll tell me, exasperated and thinking of that one time everything went horribly wrong on a trip. The plane was delayed, you got lost finding your accommodations, the food made you sick, the weather was disgusting, and on and on and on. But what did you learn? If you answered that you’re a bad traveler and you never want to do it again, let me reframe things for you.

You are not a bad traveler if you

  • overpack every. single. time. I usually have about 3 pieces of clothing I never wear.

  • forget something, or even multiple things. Just add them to your packing list moving forward.

  • fell for a tourist trap or two. That overpriced souvenir makes you so happy!

  • missed a mode of transportation. There’s a train leaving again in an hour, it’ll work out.

  • made reservations for a city of the same name but in a different state/country. Paris, KY or Paris, France?

  • get confused by the 24-hour time format. Try switching your phone to the new format.

  • ordered a dish and completely hate it. Escargot and tree fungus, you are not for me.

  • got lost. This happens to everyone.

  • accidentally used incorrect words to communicate, creating greater confusion. Embarazada in Spanish does not mean embarrassed. It means pregnant.

I could keep going. This are all mistakes but they do not make one bad at traveling. With each time you travel, you will learn something about yourself and the world, and you’ll make modifications for your next trip. On the plus side, the mistake probably won’t happen again. You’ll have stories to share and these experiences will color your travels, not dull them.

So I implore you, go. Do not let the fear of being bad at traveling or the doubt you’re not a good traveler stop you from taking trips.