Unconnected observances
Enjoy these observations and cultural differences
~ My Spanish language/grammar teacher reminds me of the divinations teacher, Sybill Trelawney, from Harry Potter. Same hair, face shape, and expressions, just no circular glasses.

~ It’s ok to stare here. Like if someone looks interesting/funny/out of the ordinary, it’s ok to look at them for an extended period of time. I left the apartment for less than two minutes to find Esther, and I was wearing yoga shorts and a frat tank. I was STARED at. Not in a “WOOO YOGA SHORTS WERK IT GURL” way, but a like WTF IS SHE WEARING?! Spain is a more conservative country. The women here wear pantyhose with EVERYTHING. Under jeans, you name it.
~ A cross walk is called “paso de cebra” like a zebra
~ I am for sure the mom of the apartment. Duh. Matt said to me “If only you were lame, we could call you Buzzkill Brandi.” They only call me that now in certain situations to be ironic. Thank god. But yay, I’m not lame!
A bunch of us are off to Barcelona in two weekends. Plans are still being finalized, but I’m excited regardless! Kelsey, Brianna, Alyssa, and I will be rooming together. We had a girls night tonight and made tacos in the apartment. I love the boys but it was so nice to chill with them and sing the words to middle school songs.