Travel with Brandi

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Great roommates with great lines

Even with quotes not on the list, I’m often in a fit of laughter. Our apartment (and its dynamic) is far from boring, though often times I have no idea what to respond and just make faces :F

Matt (when buying protein powder): I just grabbed the one I recognized, everything was in Spanish
Jordan: …they were all in English…

Jordan: (raises a glass) To staying positive and testing negative

Jordan: If I were a lion and you were a tuna, I would go out of my way and the food chain to eat you. That’s how much I don’t like you right now.

Matt: I just feel like girls with too much make-up don’t look good and try too hard
David: I don’t know, some girls can work it…

Matt (to me): But seriously, how does your bed get made everyday?
Jordan: He asked me that too