Travel with Brandi

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Finally Some Weinerschnitzel!!! (even if it is turkey...)

Woke up at a normal hour today, about 7 am, just as the girls were waking up and getting ready for school. When they left, I ran errands with Kathrin. I got a sim card, she bought a mattress, and because my watch is incapable of being fixed in Europe (damn you Michael Kors watches for being unknown in Europe), Kathrin very kindly bought me a new one. I said it wasn’t necessary, I can wait until I get home, but she insisted. Don’t worry mom and dad, I thanked her profusely. It’s a red S. Oliver watch with a rubber band so there are no screws that can fall out YAY! 

We then went home to make lunch and mow the grass. Wolfie has this little robot that cuts the grass for you. It’s really mesmerizing to watch!!! When Carolin got home, Kathrin and I went to get Isabella from kindergarten. The car we parked next to had a crying baby in the back seat with the driver’s side window open about 3 inches. The mom left her baby IN A CAR!!!! After that, we went briefly to the hotel. I only say the lake, some of the cabins, and a bit of the fishery. SO GORGEOUS! Will definitely post pictures later.

I’ll being shadowing Wolfie’s personal assistant in 2 weeks. This week is almost over and next week is a short week because there is another religious holiday (could I *have* any more to be verbs in that sentence?!). He says I will proof read translations of the website and pamphlets to make sure the English is correct. There is also a photo shoot at the hotel to take new pictures of it so I’ll get to be on the set also. !!!!! And then once those 2 weeks are done, he says I could possibly work in customer relations. Meaning I’ll have to know more about Salzburg, the tourist sites, and some history. That is something I WILL study a lot for :D

I met one of Kathrin’s friends today. Her son is in the same kindergarten as Isabella. Her family and us went to dinner atop a mountain. Kathrin said, “You see that red and white striped pole on the mountain? We’re eating dinner near there.” Dinner was weinerschnitzel!!! Although the restaurant makes it with pork (uhh hello? then it’d be schwineschnitzel…) but they made it with turkey for me. Doesn’t taste the same but still delicious. They made me try this desserts. One was almost like a fat pancake in plum sauce, and the other was like a cheese pastry in a cold vanilla sauce. The pancake was more delicious, but probably because I expected the vanilla sauce to be warm. Oh well!