Travel with Brandi

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Summer's Here!! (for now)

Yesterday I went back to Munich. There were a few more stores I wanted to look in and plus, I wanted to get out of Salzburg on a beautiful SUNSHINEY day. The sun graced us with its presence again. (Today too! But more on today later). The stores in Munich were all having a big sale on summer and a bit of winter clothes. I don’t know why, but I won’t question a sale. 

But before I arrived in Munich, I decided to test out the “Gator Nation” and dressed in my Victoria’s Secret Gators shirt. In line to buy the train ticket, I struck up a conversation with two girls in line behind me. They had JFK luggage tags so I asked if they’re from New York. Turns out they’re from Boston but it was a nice quick chat.

There are 2 classes on trains. First, which is obviously nicer, and second, which isn’t as nice but still really suitable. I got on the train in the wrong class at first. The cars have big 1’s and 2’s painted on the outside of them but I was confused, because there obviously was more than one or two cars (duh) but whatever. I asked someone on the 1 car if I was in the right spot and was then directed to the 2 car. As I went out, a guy about my age, maybe a little younger, was getting in and he said, “Yeah Florida!” I asked if he’s from there, and turns out he’s from Ft. Lauderdale. I shouted back, “I’m from Miami, rock on!” and quickly ran off the car to where I was supposed to be. 

 Train ride took a good hour and 45 minutes. I had no idea where to go once I “de-trained” and even though Kathrin told me to find Shutzenstrasse, there were no signs. So I decided just to go right. I was wrong. I ended up in this Arab/German part of Munich. Few signs in English with hotels and a hostel in between the kebab stores. 

(dun dun dunnnnn) Cliffhanger! The internet here keeps going in and out like a cat who c an’t make up its mind if it wants to be inside or outside >.< I will update this at a later time when the changes of losing this are much slimmer. 


So in this section of Munich, I only saw men on the streets and there were people around but not enough so I didn’t look at anyone, I just walked ahead fast and with purpose. I went into one of the hotels to ask where the big fountain is and the woman gave me crap directions. “Go left, and go left.” … >.< well thanks lady, you’re a *great* receptionist. I grabbed a map from the desk and  took a left when I got out of the hotel, and when took another at the end of the block. I couldn’t turn left anywhere else and there were no signs pointing to the fountain. (It’s like a landmark; everyone knows it and tourists want to see it.) I was in a more populated area by now, closer to the Anna Hotel where the family ate yesterday and I saw the fountain to my right. Finally.

From there, I went on a hunt for the chocolate store we all went to the day before. Took me an hour and a half to find it. I was lost in Munich and not happy at all. But Brandi, you had a map. How were you lost? It is impossible to actually decipher a street sign if you can even find one. But getting lost in Europe and exploring is fun! No, not when you’re a 5’1” teen girl by yourself in a country where you don’t speak the language. I could very easily see this becoming a “Taken” situation, but instead of just dad kicking the asses, Brian from Texas would be there too. (He just wants to come back to Europe :P. Who can blame him?) Well I found the chocolate shop, bought some coffee, raspberry, and mango chocolates and picked up a business card so I wouldn’t get lost again. I tried texting the family in Italy to see if they could tell me where it was and this is what resulted:

me: what’s the country code to call Italy?
German girl: dial +49
me: no I mean I want to call Italy, not have them call Germany
girl: you dial +49 and then the number
me: … thanks

 (finds a second girl)

 me: hi, what’s the country code to call Italy?
german girl: i dont know, but i have world wide web. i look it up for you
me: thank you so much!
*google etc*
girl: you dial +49 and then the city code.
me: i dial +49?
girl: yes
me: … (>.<) thanks! (walks away)

And I thought the small language barrier in Miami was bad at times. They don’t even know +49 is THEIR country code. 

While enjoying the chocolates, a friend of Rhona’s (she’s this really famous sports photographer. You don’t know her???? Google her: Rhona Wise) called and invited me to their house in Westendorf for the weekend. I only wanted to stay the day, but it takes 3 hours to get there and they kept pushing for me to spend the night. So I said sure, why not? So that made plans for my Saturday and Sunday morning.

I spent the rest of my day in Munich “shopping,” not shopping. I went into a bunch of stores and tried on clothes for summer and winter, as there were HUGE sales, but nothing fit. Oh well.