Travel with Brandi

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Ich bin ich und du bist du (I am me and you are you)

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Shout out to JT because this picture summarizes our friendship. Luhhhh you, JAM

Although as much as I want you all to believe I am speaking German all the time, I’m not. Sorry to disappoint. I am, however, listening intently to conversations around me, picking out words I know and trying to guess what they’re saying. The only one who speaks to me ALWAYS in German is Isabella. She’s so sweet. I can kind of understand her now, but still have difficulty responding to her other than with a nod or a YAY!

This morning, Kathrin and I went to the city (downtown Salzburg). On Thursday mornings, there is a local farmers market, similar to the green market at Pinecrest Gardens. But the green market sells more soaps and stuff than the market here. They sell mainly fruits, veggies, and organic food items. From there I bought a weekly and monthly bus pass, as the monthly pass starts on July 1. I can travel to the city whenever with the pass. THERE’S A MOVIE THEATER THAT SHOWS MOVIES IN ENGLISH!!! HELLOOOOO HARRY POTTER PART 2  <3 <3 <3 There’s also a Sound of Music Tour that leaves every day at 9:30 at 2. I’m thinking of doing it because, why not? Kathrin said that the Germans and Austrian children don’t know of the movie because it was never translated into German. !!!!!

From there we had lunch, and their friends from Bavaria came to see Carolin in the school play. She did FANTASTIC! It was about a little something that doesn’t know what it is. It goes around the world talking to various animals asking if it is like them. After much traveling, it decides that it is it and you are you. Hence I am me and you are you, so be yourself.

Kathrin is still shocked that I’ve never seen snow. Everyone she introduces me to, she asks them where to find snow and explains I’ve never seen it. They’re in shock and the process repeats.

Everyone here has a FIRM handshake. After meeting a few people I actually had to massage my hand. America, ditch the limp fish please.

And peanut butter. Yes, it is an American thing. I get strange looks every time I dip something into it. Apples, pretzels, carrots (REFERENCE TO CAROLINE G <3) and so on. But when I mention dipping pretzels or apples into nutella, it’s still considered odd, but is more accepted.