Travel with Brandi

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Grüß Gott!

Hello from Salzburg! Travel day started off meh. My carry on bag got gate checked (“it weighs more than 6 kilos” the man told me) and I was freaking out about if I’d actually see the bag again. Toward the end of the flight to Dusseldorf, an older woman (the grandma type) befriended me on the plane. I say that because she asked me to help her connect, as we were both on the flight to Munich. I thought it would delay me but I agreed anyway. I actually delayed her a bit because my quart size bag was checked at security. Walking to the gate, she turned to me and said, “Jesus sent me one angel today and that was you.” So sweet!! She and I were actually in the same row on the flight to Munich.

Then at the gate, a woman also from my previous flight asked me if this was the gate to Israel. I told her no but I saw the flight for Tel Aviv listed on the monitors. BAGELED.

Oh going back a bit, when I went through customs, the officer asked my business and I told him that I was working in Austria and staying with a family. He asked if I was an au pair because of my age, and I just agreed. LOL. He was really nice.

I arrived at the house where I’m staying. I’ll post pictures of the room and view and everything later. It’s raining a bit now but Salzburg is still beautiful!

Kathrin (the mom) took me, Carolin and Isabella into Salzburg and the old city. We walked, had ice cream, listened to a man play the didgeridoo, walked in a church, and most importantly, located the nearest H&M :D