Annie Said It Best When She Sang About Tomorrow
Everything is closed on Sundays so I slept late, created an account at to keep track of everything I want to bake, downloaded the ebook version of The Girl Who Played With Fire and made a dent into it, and watched more How I Met Your Mother.
I made tentative plans with a friend who is moving to Germany at the end of the summer. We are going to try to meet up and have a photo expedition. NIKON IS VICTORIOUS! Treat this blog like how you treat an AP exam - anything crossed out cannot be graded even if it is true. It’ll be really nice to see him and wreck havoc with a friend in a place where no one knows us.
I start work tomorrow! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Me excited? Psh nahhh. Haha. I’m off to bed so I’m well rested for tomorrow! Suits, I win this round.